Sales workshop for entrepreneurs @ The Galil Accelerator

Critical factors for success in B2B sales of startup companies.

It is hard to underestimate the importance of the sales function for startup companies. Many entrepreneurs assume that the product will sell itself and handle the issue of sales with great delay.

Every entrepreneur should know that selling is much more difficult and takes much longer than initially estimated. It is important, already during the early stages of the venture to understand the buying behavior of potential customers, to plan a structured sales process and prepare every prerequisite.

Another critical point is deciding who is responsible for sales in the company, and when to hire a professional. Recruitment also takes time thus entrepreneurs should think about it well in advance. As the venture progresses and develops, entrepreneurs learn more about the market and the customers thus required to adapt the value proposition, the sales processes, the sales arguments and more.

This week we held a workshop at The Galil Accelerator that dealt with critical success factors for B2B sales in startup companies, from the perspective of the entrepreneurs. We defined the role of the sales function, discussed the organizational buying processes (OBB), the structure of the sales process, the organization of the sales function along the development of the venture and more.

Because, at the beginning of their journey, entrepreneurs must wear the 'salesman' hat, during the workshop we have practiced a selling pitch to business customers and learned how it can be improved. Kudos to the entrepreneurs who actively participated!

Finally, it's worth remembering - the sale 'ends' only when the customer buys again...

For more information about The Galil Accelerator you can also reach directly the Managing Director Memi Genosar


Posted in Entrepreneurship, Sales, Training, Workshop.